Lora Zombie Studio News

New Small Originals Available Friday at 1pm EST

A special selection of 5 small format Original Paintings will be available to order on Friday, June 8th at 1pm EST here.
See below for sizes and pricing details.


Heavy Heart

Heavy Heart, 2018
9x12 Inches
Fine Art Paper

Welcome Heart

Welcome Heart, 2018
9x12 Inches
Fine Art Paper

Shattered People (Holy Trinity)

"I often wonder about the reasons why people commit or even attempt suicide.

A common theme we hear of suicide is the feeling of hopelessness, having a lack of meaning.
There are many factors that create thoughts like that, but for me it makes me think of a general misunderstanding and under-rating of loving one's self as the most powerful energy. Having no source of love can bring some people a sense of having no meaning in life. A lot of people are driven to create amazing work, and build amazing talent, because they have lacked love in their life and are searching for meaning elsewhere, being noticed for their achievements.

With these thoughts I developed this series of SHATTERED PEOPLE, some of my favorite icons of lives that ended too soon. I wanted to remind myself and others of the amazing work and accomplishments they had in their lives. How exceptionally talented they were. Also, how indifferent many people were about them as human beings, forgetting that everyone needs some love in a basic sense. Sometimes we can push ourselves nearly to the limits of stress and self-destruction to be appreciated. To show that our lives matter for something. To try to fill black holes inside ourselves, but it's always "love" that we are really struggling for... and I don't mean dumb dating flowers and chocolates love. I mean healing love, that kind of love that really brings purpose and energy to our lives.

Please be generous sharing energy with each other. Don't hold back on giving love to those who need it."
- Lora Zombie
Shattered People (Amy), 2018
6x9 Inches
Fine Art Paper
Shattered People (Kurt), 2018
6x9 Inches
Fine Art Paper
Shattered People (Marilyn), 2018
6x9 Inches
Fine Art Paper
All of the above will be added to the selection of Original Paintings by Lora Zombie here on Friday, June 8th, 2018 at 1pm EST.